In this tutorial section you will learn how to deploy and initialize your first QALL-ME Framework demo system without writing any piece of code. We assume you have a copy of GlassFish (or any other Java EE certified application server) running and soapUI as a web service (WS) tester available. See the previous sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 for information on how to get these prerequisites.
The first step on your way to a working question answering
(QA) system is to download the latest version of the DemoKit
package from the QALL-ME Framework’s project
page as detailed in section 4.1.1. We are only interested in the WAR files which can be found in different subdirectories of
the deploy
directory after unpacking the downloaded ZIP
archive; all other files including the src
directory can be
ignored for now. Depending on the languages and locations for which you want the
demo QA system to work, you can use all WAR
files or just a few specific ones. The following three are always mandatory,
however, as they comprise the system-wide components of every
QA system, i.e., these implementations are part of the
QA framework itself:
To find out how the above mentioned and the following WAR files or components fit into the general system architecture picture (cf. section 2.3: “System Architecture”), you might want to have a look at the framework’s software reference manual in section 4.2.
The DemoKit currently ships with three language specific and three
location specific demo subsystem implementations. You can find the WAR files for these implementations in subdirectories under
. Language specific implementations lie below
the lang_XX
subdirectories where XX is the
ISO 639-1 code for the language; location specific implementations lie below the
subdirectories where YY is the ISO
3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the location.[4] For example, these are
WAR files for the language specific component implementations
for German (language code de
[4] As can be seen from
this, the framework currently only supports location distinction on the country
level. This is not a hard requirement, though. On the one hand it can be easily
circumvented with user-assigned ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code elements. On the other hand the
general idea behind the QALL-ME Framework does in no way set
forth a location distinction with country granularity; this distinction is just
used in the current implementation of the QAPlanner